Our Enemy is in the Honno-ji Temple (敵は本能寺にあり)

"Our Enemy is in the Honno-ji Temple" is allegedly the phrase uttered by Mitsuhide AKECHI, busho (Japanese military commander) in the Warring States period, during the Honnoji Incident. Although Mitsuhide's troops were ordered to attack the Mori clan in Bicchu Province by his lord Nobunaga ODA, he suddely changed his path saying that his enemy was Nobunaga himself in Honnno-ji Temple and headed towards Honnno-ji Temple in Kyoto. There is a theory that the phrase was made up by someone else after ages but it has become so widely known that it has been quoted in many novels and used as the title of a movie and a drama.

The movie 'Our enemy is in the Honno-ji Temple' was released by Shochiku Co., Ltd. in 1960. It was produced by director Tatsuo OSONE based on an original scenario by Shotaro IKENAMI.

Nichiyo Yoga Gekijo (Sunday Foreign Film Theater) Special Program 'Our Enemy is at Honnoji' was a special period drama broadcasted by All Nippon News Network from 21:00 - 23:09 (Japan Standard Time) on December 16, 2007 as the concluding episode of "Nobunaga's Coffin" which was aired in 2006. It was based on the novel "Akechi Samanosuke no Koi" (Akechi Samanosuke's love) by Hiroshi KATO published by Nikkei Publishing Inc. The viewing rating was 12.6 %.

Naoto TAKENAKA played the part of Hideyoshi for the second time, with the first time being the Taiga-dorama (NHK Historical Drama) 'Hideyoshi'.

The main character Samanosuke AKECHI was played by Somegoro ICHIKAWA, the eldest son of Koshiro MATSUMOTO IX who starred in the previous episode "Nobunaga's Coffin".

[Original Japanese]